Wednesday, August 17, 2011


It was bitterly cold yesterday so I had the fire blazing away nicely and thought that a wee dram wouldn't go amiss. I pulled out some old bottles from the back of the cupboard and came across one that I had forgotten about. It is Glen Mist Whiskey Liqueur made by Savermo in Ireland. This was bottled in the 1940's I think. The brand later became Irish Mist which is still going. It is an Irish equivalent of Drambuie or Glayva. I have had the bottle for a long time, acquiring it with some other old bottles of whisky and liqueurs about 25 years ago. The liqueur inside is still drinking well, a rich mix of whiskey, honey and herbs. It is 70 proof. The back label says that it is made from the finest reserve whiskeys and I assume that these are Irish Malt Whiskies. There is certainly a pronounced woody character which supports this as simple grain whiskey would not have had the barrel ageing that good malts have. I checked on the internet and discovered that rare bottles of this sell for 250 pounds sterling and upwards. Unfortunately mine is open and there is only half a bottle left.


Richard (of RBB) said...

"The liqueur inside is still drinking well."
I thought YOU were supposed to drink the liquer?

WV = rializes

THE WINE GUY said...

Semantic = rhymes with?