Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The Swiss have created an 8% alcohol 'wine' in powdered form that is aimed at the hiking/tramping/camping market. I'm sure that it tastes awful. After a long arduous hike a cool drink from a fresh mountain stream would be more enjoyable. If its more leisurely hiking/tramping that you do then why not carry a bottle or two of the real stuff. Second Fiddle is a strong believer in the Virgin Mary's mysteries and Jesus' miricles and recently spoke of the wedding at Cana where the big J supposedly turned water into wine at Mary's request. Maybe J had a packet or two of 'Trek 'n' Eat Rouge secreted on his person.

1 comment:

Angry Jesus said...

No, I did actually change the water. Read the friggin' Bible. On second thoughts (no pun intended),
why don't you go and experience entrophy?