Sunday, August 8, 2010


Give Me A Little Old Fashioned Love The kind that lingers through the years The kind 
that's made by God up above Give Me A Little Old Fashioned Love

(Ernest Tubb, also recorded by: Smokey Greene)

A friend of mine who shall remain nameless told me the other day of one of his experiences in the wine  
trade in Russia. A contact of his, a fellow wine marketer with a reputation as a 'bon vivant' has a habit of 
slipping in some unsavoury expressions when talking to trade contacts and customers. This is as a joke 
which some of them get and others go on blithely innocent. At an official and highly publicised event, this chap's friends challenged him to slip in something outrageous in the thank you speech he had to present
He chose to talk about the sweet dessert wine and in summing it up he said that he appreciated that it 
kind of lingers on the tongue.


Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

I hope that fella too understands the meaning of a pétillant wine as a little prick on the tounge.

THE WINE GUY said...

That 'fell a too' understands I'm sure the difficulties of getting the tongue around big words.

Angry Jesus said...

I don't get it.


Maybe "Fluffy" is getting it instead

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

Well I'll be buggered, I didn't expect The Curmudgeon to be "into" cats. I had him pegged as an eproctophile.


"Fluffy" as in the man hiding in the wardrobe.

non thinker said...

I don't get it either Second. We must be in the blithely innocent group. Properly better than the dirty old men group on the other side.